The second day we were in Arcos de las Salinas rippled pretty, Morning visit the ancient salt that give the village its name. There are still remains of the pond where the water became dry, the water pumping windmills and church. Also the place is quite secluded and almost no light pollution. We had a very good day:
Salinas de Arcos de las Salinas, an HDR with the polarizing filter:
Then we were talked about Dueñas, a town like many other abandoned and not wonder… with the SUV cost us quite get, is tired and there was too much grace to go around, especially at night, so we made some shots daytime and towards Arcos again.
Overview of Dueñas (multiple shots at the 12 and the polarizing filter and coupled with Hugin):
In the afternoon, after lunch we went for a walk around Arcos, a path that bordered a stream and we will find this waterfall:
HDR waterfall in Arcos de las Salinas:
Then we went to dinner and back to Salinas, but otherwise:
Portal of the church (Illuminated by Augusto, and I think the stone wall and floor painted them myself):
Now instead of a long exposure we wanted to show the Milky Way:
And who says you can not do night panoramic? Here are two:
With the mill that you had seen in the morning as the protagonist:
I have taken this week to publish the post, but do not complain that it’s very full. To top it off, the soundtrack will put a big Spanish guitar master that has left us this week with a song I had not heard until my mate Ivan interpreted in a hearing (that hard!) Is Czardars V. Monti:
Molt xules David! M’encanta el tractament dels hdr
Moltes gràcies Sergio per la visita i el comentari.
El HDR el fà un plugin que vaig comprar per a lightroom era donationware i crec que vaig pagar 3 euros o així, el pots trobar per ací.
M’agrada perquè no és exagerat, queden prou naturals, per al meu gust, clar…