This week was the one, I could go out to take pictures after 10 months.
It was a night withous amazing results, but with reunions, laughs, good vibes and some pictures.
A pleasure spending the night with Augusto, Pol, Carles, Alain and Dani.
Let’s see if we meet againg soon!
Well, as the title says this will surely be the first of the year and the last one in a while, I have to make an effort and do what I have to do. Hopefully after the summer I can take pictures of anyone who moves … we’ll see …
Aperture: ƒ/5.6
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Focal length: 12mm
ISO: 100
Shutter speed: 457s
Aperture: ƒ/5.6
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Focal length: 12mm
ISO: 100
Shutter speed: 395s
Aperture: ƒ/4
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Focal length: 12mm
ISO: 2500
Shutter speed: 30s
Aperture: ƒ/5
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Focal length: 12mm
ISO: 200
Shutter speed: 320s
To cheer you up and to cheer me up… an oldie but goldie:
Aprofitant la proximitat de la festivitat de Santa Cecília, vull aprofitar la ocasió per a mostrar-vos el treball que hem fet entre tots, perquè la foto la penge jo, però no ha sigut sols cosa meua. Començant per la idea, que va ser cosa d’Hèctor i la musa mentre assajaven (o això feien creure al mestre). Elena em va preguntar si era possible i jo ho vaig vore clar però necessitàvem un lloc a l’altura, li vaig demanar allò impossible. Gràcies a Jordi vam saber de qui podia ser el local, però Elena que té una mini-tia molt arriscà va aconseguir les claus, ara Elena tornava a per mi… podem?… clar!!. La inspiració va ser esta foto:
Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, NYC, 1948 by Herman Leonard
Dit i fet, quedarem un diumenge de matí, taparem totes les finestres i com que havia de ser molt paregut a una fotografia nocturna i jo havia d’aparèixer en la foto vaig demanar ajuda al millor que conec, i Augusto ràpidament es va apuntar a la festa. Així que allí estàvem els 16 que havíem d’eixir en la foto (sobre Fernando parlaré un altre dia), més tres persones que ens ajudarien desinteressadament: Augusto, Maite i Jordi. MOLTES GRÀCIES!
Jo pensava que als 10 minuts els models voldrien matar-nos als fotògrafs, però que va!! es varen portar molt be, deixaven que férem proves, que els col·locarem les mans i els canviarem de lloc sense protestar. Els mateix models després em digueren que havien estat molt a gust amb els fotògrafs i que ho havien passat molt més. Tenim alguna que altre model per a pròximes sessions nocturnes. La foto resultant va ser esta:
Ja que estàvem allí… perquè no fem una per grups (xics i xiques)… vinga va… com no fa calor…:
I per a rematar la feina… a la musa i el mantenidor:
La foto final te algun que altre retoc, com s’ha fet tota la vida en fotografia, que no anem a ser ara Talibans de la fotografia nocturna i del retoc, el que importa és el que transmet la foto, i espere que vos agrade. Jo quan pense en estes fotos em ve al cap esta cançó:
I hui Hèctor m’ha dit que en realitat és una versió d’esta altra:
Here you can see another typical camp evening, the assault to the Castle. The defenders of the castle are distributed in the area surrounding the castle (in the photograph the highest point with a strong fixed light) and the attackers (children) have to get to the castle and leave something inside (a piece of paper) to demonstrate they have arrived. There are many variants of the game, but surely if you have gone camping you will have played.
The shot is 5 minutes and what is seen in the foreground is the camp leader who was in charge of giving the attackers the pieces of paper to try to leave them in the castle.
You can see that there was more than one way to achieve the goal 😉
Aperture: ƒ/6.3
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Focal length: 12mm
ISO: 400
Shutter speed: 300s
The soundtrack will be put by another typical camp song and the medieval dinner (yes, the one where we dined with our hands!). I just discovered that the song was from the Nikis, and not from the Inhumanos, as I thought … well … I can go to bed now.
After 15 years I have returned to the camp, obviously things have changed a lot. I personally thought that the balance was positive, I had a great time, I met many people I did not know and thought that the children had a great time (which is the most important thing).
Here is an example of what happens when the night prayer ends and the head (Ernesto Colomer) is sending the teams to sleep, some go through the bathroom, others go straight, and this picture summarizes it very well:
Aperture: ƒ/8
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Focal length: 12mm
ISO: 800
Shutter speed: 90s
It is another curious point of view, soon I will bring you more, be alert.
As a video I will leave a song that children liked very much, and that it was very good for them:
Thursday, after a long time without going out at night (with the usual group, some little thing I have done in the camp), we went to the bridge of Gavarda (an old known). We are looking for lightnings, but they decided not to come. Augusto told Carles: “Take a picture of us, please, David and I started dating together (to take pictures) a long time ago and we have few photos together.” Said and done … this is the result:
Aperture: ƒ/5.6
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Focal length: 12mm
ISO: 100
Shutter speed: 206s
The soundtrack is a classic that I have remembered this camp:
Here we come again (this year I’ve come very little, let’s see if in the next year I will give you more photos) with the Christmas greeting, I hope you like it:
Yeah, I know I’m going to be a bit late, but I’ll catch up.
The photos that I bring you today are from March of the year 2015. The Falla of the Av Blasco Ibañez decided to bet on the innovative Fallas. Not only in how to build them and the materials used, but in how to involve all the people in the choice of the Falla, construction and assembly. When Jaume was telling me everything they were doing every time I liked it more. I found it very original and at the same time a very reasonable way of doing things. The Falla I also liked, of course!. The work was carried out between Augusto and I, I do not remember what each one did (a long time ago), but many thanks to Jaume for opening the workshop doors and holding up late so we could do the photos.
Aperture: ƒ/14
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Focal length: 12mm
ISO: 100
Shutter speed: 908s
Aperture: ƒ/20
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Focal length: 12mm
ISO: 100
Shutter speed: 217s
Aperture: ƒ/18
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Focal length: 13mm
ISO: 100
Shutter speed: 328s
The soundtrack will be more recent… so much that it’s a video uploaded today of the Youth Band, but the Christmas concert (I can not deceive you) where Jordi, Ivan and Elena play a great role and where it is shown that every year Cristian (the director) raises the bar and I do not know where it will be.
Some friends spent last day of the year in Cabanes. When I knew the destination of the trip I looked for locations to make the exit of “light painting” that begins to be tradition. I noted 4 places: The salt tower, very close to the sea that we visited during the day. The top of the Bartolo, which we did not know to arrive by car (because it was at night and because it was prohibited), the Carmelite convent of the desert of the palms and the bow of Cabanes (of which you have photos below).
There we were the four daring (Bernat, Fernando, Edu and I) we left soon to try to catch blue hour or similar and come back soon. We went first to the convent, we saw it from afar, because getting closer meant arriving at night to Bartolo. After changing a few times the location of the shot I bring you this one:
Aperture: ƒ/8
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Focal length: 40mm
ISO: 100
Shutter speed: 10s
From there we could go out to The Bartolo, practically at night, and when the final leg was already beginning, there was a sign that forbade the passage, so we will not get up. We went to plan “b”, the bow of Cabanes, which already caught us closer to home and in theory was easy to access and nice:
Aperture: ƒ/6.3
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Focal length: 16mm
ISO: 200
Shutter speed: 319s
Well, it seems nice to me, and was easy to access, but the photo… took its good number of attempts. I think all the cars registered in Cabanes passed by. My friends were guiding me while I “painted” with light the bow and got the photo I was looking for. Finally and with the help of my friends, we were doing tests with the lights that took and came out this: