Today I bring a session to which I was invited. Those who invited me were to prepare the cover photo that would make the book of Carlet festivals. Here you have my version (which is not the book). Thanks to @zuguzz and Alberto H.
It was a very nice evening and the truth is we did pretty pictures. Sure repeat!
You know that I normally add a song to accompany the photo display, now it’s up to Sandra Bae, she conquered me with the “Do not stop me now” by Queen (search, search …) and today I saw that also have a version of the song from my uncle Clapton, I could not resist myself.
Have google plus? What are you waiting to put me in your circles? you also have the icon (top right, bottom)
A vore…. probando, probando.
Nova web i noves fotos, anirem seguint les teues fotos i les cançons que les acompanyen. La foto de la hermita està molt xula. M’agrada molt el detall de la llum que ix per la porta
Moltes gracies per la visita i el comentari. Has sigut el primer, espere q no sigues l’últim… Jejejje