While we wait out this week I leave you with a tour (of the longest we’ve done for a day) to “El Toro”, the “Peña Salada”. There’s an abandoned military base, and had (yes, past) very cool antennas that you can see in the following shots. Well, as says Sergi Boix antennas are no longer there, we don’t know if were dismantled for safety, or is that a friend of the alien has made August with iron. The point is that as Augusto says … we have a picture that does not have Mario Rubio:
By the way, these pictures would not have been possible without the camera Alberto Hervàs, mine had some problems I’ll tell you one day (or you can read here)
We come to the point … in 8mm and a milky way:
One shot in portrait with 12mm pointing to polaris:
One mor landscape:
The soundtrack today is given by legendary rock group with a title that I think is convenient: “Led Zeppelin: Communication Breakdown”
By the way … apologies for the loss of quality in the images but I don’t not know why my hosting does not let me upload images greater than 100kb. Yesterday I had a post half done and did not went for it … I don’t want the same thing happen today.